Monday, April 28, 2014

THERMO! part 1

HW: D period (and observant and ambitious F period students)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bridges Built & Broken!

100 popsicle sticks, 10 bridges, 40 students, and 1795 total lbs held!

Incredibly proud of these POE students!  Check out all their hard work on the new...

Medway POE Projects Page
You'll find
Every design challenge we face in POE will now be posted to this site, so check back soon to see the robots we're working on now!
(image courtesy of Jake Lawrence)

This year's winner..."Don't Judge a Book by its Cover"
Congratulations to Ian C, Dylan B, Carol M, and Pat H. whose bridge held
295 lbs!  930 times its own weight!