Sunday, August 30, 2015

Google Classroom & Student Info Survey

Welcome to Principles of Engineering!

Looking forward to an exciting year!  We'll talk about more details soon, but first, let's get down to business.  You have two homework assignments tonight, due September 1st, Tuesday morning, 8:00 am:

1.  Join the Google Classroom

  • Log in with google account (not your personal one)
  • Click + in top right corner
  • Enter class code: 2xr58oy

2.  Student Info Survey

Please spend a few minutes filling out this student info survey (also found on the classroom). You must log in with your account (if you haven't already).  Keep an eye on the assignment due date and time. This is due Tuesday morning by 8 am. Each entry is time-stamped; 8:01 am will be late and 1/2 credit.  Email me if you have difficulties with your account. If you need access to a computer, use the library or my room during study hall, before school, or after school.

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