Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to POE!

Welcome parents, students, the Medway community, random blog searchers who stumbled across this to the MEDWAY POE BLOG!  I can't wait to get started! There is a lot to talk about, but we'll just start with the basics.

This blog will serve as a window for parents and the community to know what is going on here in Principles of Engineering (POE). Students will participate in keeping it up to date. We will also utilize It's Learning, a more comprehesive class website, but more on that later. If you have a Google account, feel free to follow; I suggest you at least subscribe to this blog by entering your email at the right, or by using any of the other subscribe services provided.

We will deal with the syllabus soon enough, but if you're going shopping tonight, this course requires the usual suspects.  I will be providing you with an engineering notebook.  In addition to that, you will need:
  • scientific calculator
  • writing utensils
  • something to organize papers (binder or folder)
I leave the details up to you. Some people like to keep a notebook and a folder; others would rather keep a binder with loose leaf paper and 3 hole punch everything. Use whatever organizational strategies best suit you.
More info to come!  I'm looking forward to a great year!
Today we built marshmallow towers.  Why did we build marshmallow towers?  We'll discuss this more tomorrow, but for now, please watch the following video of Tom Wujec doing a TED Talk about the Marshmallow Challenge.  Think about how these ideas relate to your class, your education, your life.

(Click here if the video does not show up)